Black pepper extract is one of an important ingredient in NMN+ resveratrol. Several studies have revealed the role of Piperine in enhancing the bioavailability of a variety of therapeutic and/or nutritional substances.

Black pepper, a valuable spice with a long history originating from India, has been known as the "king of spices" and has been prized since ancient times for its dual value in flavoring and medicine. In our daily life, it isone of the important spices in our daily diet, but what many of us don't know is that black pepper can be used as medicine in addition to flavoring. So why is black pepper extract so important in NMN+resveratrol ?


Early physicians at the court found that royalty rarely suffered from gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, no matter how heavy a meal they consumed, as long as it contained large amounts of pepper, which greatly improved food digestion, which inspired physicians over the years to continue deeper research and exploration of the medicinal value and mechanism of action of black pepper, which has now been confirmed that its aroma and effect comes mainly from its alkaloid component, Piperine.


Sabinsa has isolated and purified the most important active ingredient, black pepper extract (piperine), from Indian black pepper for the first time in the world, and successfully commercialized this natural ingredient under the name BioPerine Black Pepper Extract and applied for several patents, thus opening the door for natural extracts to improve the bioavailability of nutrients.Piperine has many biological effects, including the following:


Stimulating gastric juice secretion. Piperine not only stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, but also promotes the production of other gastric juices. For example, it can promote the secretion of digestive enzymes in gastric juice, thus accelerating the digestion and absorption of food. On the other hand, piperine also stimulates the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and increases the strength of the contraction of the gastrointestinal tract. This promotes the downward movement of food and accelerates the digestive process.

Increasing caloric expenditure. The main reason for the ability of piperine to increase caloric expenditure is that it stimulates the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. This system is responsible for regulating the body's metabolic rate, energy expenditure and thermoregulation, among other functions. Specifically, piperine stimulates beta 3 receptors in the sympathetic nervous system, which increases lipolysis and oxidation. When beta3 receptors are excited, it stimulates the release of fatty acids in fat cells, accelerating fat metabolism and energy expenditure. At the same time, piperine increases the body's basal metabolic rate, the number of basal calories burned by the body at rest. This effect can last for several hours and thus can effectively help reduce body fat and promote lean body mass.

Reducing pain and promoting antioxidant. Piperine can stimulate nerve endings and release endorphins and enkephalins and other analgesic substances in the brain, so it has some pain-relieving effect. The main reason for the pain-relieving effect of piperine is that it stimulates nerve endings and releases natural analgesic substances in the body such as endorphins and enkephalins. Endorphins and enkephalins are endogenous opioids in the brain, which bind to opioid receptors in nerve endings and reduce pain sensation. Piperine can stimulate nerve endings and promote the release of endorphins and enkephalins, thus having some pain-relieving effects. In addition, piperine can stimulate blood circulation and promote blood flow, relieving muscle pain and stiffness. In addition, some studies suggest that piperine may also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, further reducing pain sensation. It should be noted that the pain-relieving effects of piperine are relatively weak and are often used for mild pain relief, such as toothache and joint pain.



According to the functions of black pepper extract mentioned above, it plays a role in the nmn + resveratrol complex to promote absorption and increase bioavailability. Black pepper extract contains the alkaloid pilocarpine, which stimulates gastric juice secretion and increases the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, black pepper extract is beneficial in promoting blood circulation and enhancing the transmission and absorption of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, black pepper extract can help nmn+ resveratrol to better perform its health benefitsnot only to promote digestion, fat loss and enhance immunity, but also has some other benefits.